
With the development of the tourism and short-term accommodation market worldwide that saw the creation of Airbnb which resulted in holiday makers choosing to hire another’s home for short periods over booking hotel accommodation, there was a misconception amongst some within Sanctuary Cove that short-term letting is a lawful use. However, whether a lot can be used for short-term letting will depend on a number of things including whether the planning scheme approves it as a lawful use. The Sanctuary Cove Resort Act 1985 (Qld) (the SCRA) contains its own planning scheme which specifies the way in which land, buildings and structures within the Resort can be used and developed. The local government’s planning scheme does not apply to the Resort.

Whilst temporary accommodation is an approved use within the International Hotel Zone, temporary or short-term accommodation is not an approved use within the Residential Zone of the Resort.

Given the ongoing security and amenity concerns that have flowed from lots being used for short-term purposes, the Principal Body Corporate have pursued legal avenues to ensure that lots within the Residential Zone are being used in accordance with the planning scheme established under the SCRA.

Accordingly, Security no longer accept any short-term rental bookings from Real Estate companies, Airbnb, Stayz or any other company for external bookings less than 42 days. Security will only accept email or phone authorities from Lot Owners (not third parties) for their friends and guests staying at the property. If a Lot Owner is unable to arrange key collection/return for the property, Security can issue keys to the visitor for an upfront administration fee. Bookings from Agents will only be accepted if those bookings show proof of a long-term rental lease and payment of applicable administration fee.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide recommendations for tradesmen. We recommend joining the local community Facebook group and requesting recommendations from Sanctuary Cove residents who are always happy to assist.

The Residential Zone Activity By-laws state:

No part of a Lot may be used in any way (directly or indirectly) for any business, commercial, manufacturing, mercantile, storing or vending purposes, or for any purposes which are not consistent with the Lot being used for the purpose of human habitation. This Part does not prevent the use of a Lot for professional and administrative occupations if:
(a) there is no external evidence of the use; and
(b) the use is in conformity with all relevant legislation and government requirements; and
(c) the use is incidental to the use of the lot for the purposes of human habitation.

Accordingly, any business that plans to operate outside the scope mentioned in the above excerpt must submit an application to [email protected] for special consideration by the Principal Body Corporate.

The body corporate office holds building plans for most, but not all, properties in Sanctuary Cove.
There are two searches that can be undertaken:
1. A standard search is a search of the files within the body corporate database (there is no guarantee that an approved copy of the plans will be held in the body corporate database).
2. An archive retrieval requires building plans to be recalled from an offsite warehouse (there is no guarantee that an approved copy of the plans will be located in archives).
To find out which search you should undertake, please contact the body corporate office on (07) 5500 3333.
Please note: The body corporate office will very rarely hold hydraulic plans; we recommend contacting the City of Gold Coast to obtain a copy of these plans.
To obtain a copy of the Plan Search Request Form, please click here.

There are many reasons why you might experience a power outage in your area. Planned maintenance on the network, unexpected outages due to severe weather, car accidents, high winds, hot weather, wildlife and technical issues can all cause power outages.

Should you experience an outage, please contact your electrical service provider. Alternatively, you can view the Energex outage finder page by clicking here.

If you notice a streetlight that is out or flickering, please contact Facilities Services on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 4 at the voice announcement. Alternatively, please email [email protected].

For privacy reasons, the body corporate office is unable to provide residents with their neighbour’s contact details. However, Body Corporate Services can contact your neighbour on your behalf and request that they contact you if you provide your authority to pass on your contact details.

To arrange this, please call the Body Corporate Team on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 5 at the voice announcement, or email [email protected].

Both Jabiru Park and Schotia Park North (near the bocce court) have BBQ facilities for residents use and enjoyment.

The body corporate has some jurisdiction to act on certain noise complaints, however immediate action can be taken by Security who can attend to the matter and ask the person/s to stop or reduce the noise. In the longer term, the body corporate can provide the person/s with a Compliance Notice.

Whilst it is not strictly essential to register your pets with Security Services, it is highly recommended. If your pet were to escape your premises and wind up in the care of Security Services, they would easily be able to identify who the animal belongs to and reunite them with their owner/s.

If you live in or are moving into a unit in St Andrews Terrace, please email [email protected] to register your pets with the body corporate.


Any tree removal must comply with the Tree Preservation Policy.

Please click here to view the policy to ascertain whether an application to the body corporate is required.

In the first instance, we always recommend speaking directly with your neighbour about the issue. As this particular issue is considered a ‘Neighbour to Neighbour’ issue, the body corporate office is limited in what they can do to assist.

If an amicable solution between the parties cannot be reached, the next step is to refer the matter to QCAT. For further information, please click here.

Building Approvals

Yes, please email [email protected] to advise the proposed location of the skip bin along with anticipated delivery and removal dates.

The body corporate office can provide the postal address of your neighbour to allow you to issue a Notice to Contribute for Fencing Work form to them.

Please email [email protected] with your request.

Yes, please click here to obtain an Application Form.

When submitting your application to [email protected], please ensure you include the additional application requirements noted in Section 6 of the form.

Applications of this nature are typically assessed quickly with a maximum of 5 business day turnaround.

Generally, you do not require approval for any internal works being undertaken at your property.

However, if your property forms part of a BUP (Livingstonia, Cassia Lakeside Terraces, Washingtonia Harbour Terraces) and the proposed internal changes are structural, you will require approval from your RBC. Please call Body Corporate Services on (07) 5500 3333 to discuss further.


If your property is not within a BUP, you simply need to advise your insurance provider that although your property is part of a body corporate, your body corporate within Sanctuary Cove is registered as a Group Titles Plan (GTP) – BCCM equivalent of a Standard Format Plan (SFP). Therefore, the insurance of your property (internal and external) is the responsibility of the Lot owner.

This will depend on whether your property is located within a Group Titles Plan (GTP) only, or a Building Unit Plan (BUP) within a GTP.

Currently, there are three (3) BUP Residential Bodies Corporate within Sanctuary Cove. These bodies corporate are Livingstonia (St Andrews Terrace), Lakeside Terraces (BUP within Cassia GTP 1702), and Harbour Terraces (BUP within Washingtonia GTP 1703). If your property is within one (1) of the aforementioned BUP’s, you will share a portion of the compulsory building insurance for the exterior, and shared common property (if any) of the body corporate. As the Lot Owner, you are responsible for your internal building and contents insurance, and we recommend this. However, insuring your internal building and personal contents is at your discretion.

All other Residential Bodies Corporate within Sanctuary Cove are registered as Group Titles Plan (GTP) or BCCM equivalent being a Standard Format Pan (SFP). Therefore, the insurance of your property (internal and external) is the responsibility of the Lot owner.

Further, some freestanding properties may share common property within their body corporate, however, this common property will typically be covered under the body corporates insurance policy.

Essentially, regardless of whether the property is part of a BUP or not, the internal building and contents insurance is the responsibility of the Lot owner to ensure adequate insurance coverage is in place.

To ensure accuracy of the information provided, please refer to the Insurance Certificate of Currency (COC) for your specific Residential Body Corporate.

Residential Body Corporate

The Committee’s role is to control, manage and administer the common property of your body corporate. In relation to most day-to-day management matters, the decision of the Committee becomes the decision of the body corporate.
The body corporate, as a collective entity, can decide at a general meeting to limit the power and authority of the Committee. This procedure limits the matters that the committee can address and consequently approve. Any matters beyond the jurisdiction of the Committee are then brought to the forum of a general meeting for discussion by all registered proprietors.

The Committee of the body corporate usually meets quarterly and is comprised of a group of proprietors or people nominated by registered proprietors, who are duly elected at a general meeting of the body corporate. Committee members are generally elected for an initial 12-month period and can be re-elected.

Body corporate by-laws are essentially the rules and regulations that govern the control, management, administration and use or enjoyment of the lots and areas of common property contained within the registered plan of your body corporate. The by-laws are designed to ensure that the standard of your lifestyle and environment are maintained at the highest level.

It is important that you are familiar with the by-laws of Sanctuary Cove and your neighbourhood.

Waste Collection

Green waste bins are not included in the PBC Waste Contract, this is due to the fact that most bin enclosures in Sanctuary Cove are built to accommodate two bins only being General Waste and Recycling.

Residents are welcome to obtain their own bin to accommodate green waste, however the responsibility to empty this bin would fall to the Lot owner.

Yes of course, please contact the Facilities Team on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 4. The team will then contact the waste contractors directly to request a new bin.

Please contact the Facilities Team on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 4, the team will then contact the waste contractors directly.

Please click here to view and/or save a copy of the current Bin Collection Schedule.


Of course, please email [email protected] requesting to be placed on the ‘Do Not Mow’ list. Please ensure you advise the team of your name, property address and contact phone number.

In majority of cases, the nature strip starts from the edge of the kerb and ends at the green electrical box.

To find out the current mowing/landscaping schedule, please call the Facilities Team on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 4 at the voice announcement.

The PBC appointed landscapers maintain the nature strips in Sanctuary Cove.


There are several different water meters in use in Sanctuary Cove, however despite the type, the black numbers register kilolitres (kL) which are used for billing and the red numbers register litres.

To report a water leak, please call the Facilities Team on (07) 5500 3333 and select Option 4 at the voice announcement.

Lot owners own and are responsible for the installation, repair, maintenance and replacement of all the private fittings, mains connected water tanks and pipes on their property up to the water meter and sewer connection point.

If a leak or blockage is detected in these pipes, it is the responsibility of the property owner to fix it. Engaging a licenced/qualified plumber to investigate and carry out repairs as soon as reasonably practical is recommended.

The irrigation program is currently set to run between 11.00pm and 2.00am every third night for a period of 10-15 minutes.


In this instance, we recommend contacting a NBN Retail Service Provider for clarification. At present, not all areas within Sanctuary Cove have access to NBN.

To ensure that NBN connection does not affect the Security line to your property, please notify Security Services on (07) 5500 3355 prior to NBN attending. Alternatively, Security Services can be contacted via email at [email protected].

Many issues concerning Free to Air television reception are simply caused by faulty home wiring or tuning problems on the TV or set top box. Before reporting any television service fault, you should ensure that you have checked for any problems which may be present within your home wiring or equipment. To report a television reception fault, please contact OptiComm directly on 1300 341 424.

Should you be experiencing issues with your internet/Foxtel/phone, please call your Retail Service Provider. If your Retail Service Provider determines that the fault is related to the FTTH network, your Retail Service Provider will contact OptiComm directly to resolve the issue.

Please click here to obtain a list of Internet Service Providers available on the Sanctuary Cove FTTH network.

FTTH stands for Fibre to the Home and is the name for the fibre optic cable within Sanctuary Cove that delivers the following services:

High-speed Broadband (Internet)
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Traditional telephone
Free-to-Air TV channels
Foxtel Pay TV services.

The in-home monitored security system is also connected to the network with direct access to the Sanctuary Cove Security Services monitoring station.


Please contact Wild Care on (07) 5527 2444 or the RSPCA on 1300 264 625.

Please contact Security Services on (07) 5500 3355 and advise the location of the kangaroo, along with what you have observed with regards to the health of the kangaroo.

Please contact a snake catcher directly to attend and relocate the snake.

Initially, we would always recommend that residents contact the owner of the dog to advise them so they have the chance to rectify the issue.

If the issue persists, you can report the issue to the City of Gold Coast by clicking here.


Absolutely! StrataPay provides our direct debit service and all payment options are noted on your body corporate levy and water notices, including your unique StrataPay Reference Number.

Please click here to complete a Direct Debit Form.
Important Note: Two separate Direct Debit forms must be completed if a direct debit is required for both levy and water bills. Your property will have a separate StrataPay Reference Number for levy and water notices, so it is important to ensure that the correct reference number is being used when making payments and setting up direct debits.

Please click here for further information about setting up Direct Debit via StrataPay.

Each year at its Annual General Meeting, the Principal Body Corporate (PBC) approves a budget for the Administrative Fund and Sinking Fund and also sets the levy contributions to be collected from the Residential Bodies Corporate (RBCs).

The levies collected go towards the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the assets of the PBC, such as the roads, streetlights, sewerage pump stations, canals and landscaping to name a few. The levies collected also contribute to the future replacement of capital items.

Any surplus at year end is transferred to the following year to offset the levies to be collected.

The Sinking Fund is for the capital expenses of the body corporate such as:

– internal and external painting of the building
– replacement of the roof
– replacement of lifts
– replacement of common area carpeting
– replacement of pool equipment and pool refurbishment
– replacement of fencing
– acquisition of amenities for the benefit of the owners
– any other capital expenditure

A Sinking Fund forecast estimates what works will need to be carried out in forthcoming years and calculates what levy contributions will be required each year to cover those expenses as they become due.
Sometimes unexpected costs may arise during the year which were not considered at the time that the Administrative Fund and Sinking Fund budgets were completed. If this happens, a Special Contribution Fund (Special Levy) may need to be established for any irregular issues with a fixed spending amount. Any Special Levies must be approved at a General Meeting by ordinary resolution.

The Administrative Fund is for the everyday expenses of the body corporate such as:

– building insurance
– building and pool maintenance
– gardens and grounds maintenance
– body corporate management fees and caretaker fee (if applicable)
– common property electricity
– pest control
– regular fire servicing
– any other non-capital expenditure

It is important that the levies raised in the Administrative Fund are enough to cover the total of the expenses for the year. This is to ensure that the balance of the Administrative Fund does not end with a deficit at the conclusion of the body corporate’s financial year.

If the balance of the Administrative Fund is in deficit at the end of the year, money will need to be raised in the following year to clear the deficit.
Note: The legislation does not allow for the body corporate to transfer money from the Administrative Fund to the Sinking Fund, or vice versa.

Levy contributions are payable by each member of the Residential Body Corporate on a per lot entitlement basis and the funds collected contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of the common areas, cover any necessary insurances, the administration of the Body Corporate and contributions to the Sanctuary Cove Resort Principal Body Corporate.

The levy contributions are approved at the Annual General Meeting, based on an approved budget.


No, you will need to obtain a separate membership to access the Golf Club and Country Club to enjoy their facilities and services.

No, this needs to be done separately by Security to maintain the integrity of security on site and validate the information being entered.

A new/replacement Resident’s Access Card can be purchased from the Security Roundhouse from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday-Friday.

Visitor management is for short term / one off visitors only. To add a permanent visitor to a user’s account, you will need to contact Security via email and their details will remain on file allowing them to have access until Security are told otherwise. This is to maintain the integrity of security on site by not allowing everyone to create permanent access users.

You will need to inform Security of this. They will create the required user settings in the system and keep all the required details on file. This is to maintain the integrity of Security on site.

You can phone security and inform them of your expected delivery and they may enter via the intercom option.

A Resident’s Access Card provides access through all Sanctuary Cove gates and permits entry into the Intercontinental pool.